Volcanic Hazards at Whakapapa
Eruption Response
Lodges are in safe areas
There is no need for urgent evacuation.
- All ski club lodges on Mount Ruapehu are safe from lazars, flying rocks and other life-threatening volcanic hazards.
- Lahars flowing down the Whakapapanui River may threaten bridges on the Whakapapa Bruce Road.
- If an eruption occurs, people in lodges at Whakapapa Ski Area should wait in lodges until it is confirmed that the Bruce Road bridges are safe, and clearance is given to leave.
- Members of the public may need to be sheltered during or after volcanic events.
If ash fall occurs
Disconnect water supplies and stay indoors.
- Ash fail is a nuisance, but not life threatening. It can contaminate water supplies, make surfaces slippery and roads dangerous.
- Know where the lodge downpipe connections are disconnect them. Disconnect downpipes immediately after an eruption.
- People (especially children ) with respiratory problems (e.g. asthma) should stay indoors.
- If you have to leave, cover your nose and mouht; wear goggles if available.
- Ash fall may increase in moderate or larger eruptions as they progress.
Appoint a lodge leader
- Register and record the names of all persons in the lodge, and any known to be missing.
- If injuries or health issues are reported, call 111 (NZ Police).
- RAL will set up an incident control point on the ski area.
Information and communications
- Go to facebook.com/DOCTongariro for official information — including confirmation of false alarms. This page will be updated regularly.
- Keep phone lines clear and minimise cellular network use.
- Networks may be overloaded during emergencies.
More information
Eruption Action Plan for Club Lodges.pdf
Mt Ruapehu is an active volcano. Find out about volcanic risks in Tongariro National Park and what to do in the event of an eruption on the DoC website: